Monday 5 November 2018

Colour Code

Colour Code
S = Statement = Yellow
E = Explanation = Green
E = Example = Blue

Do you know what a good friend is? Well you have come to the
right place. You have probably had a lot of good friends
already but let me give you some tips that will help you become a good friend.

A good friend is someone you can trust and rely on.
A trustworthy friend is someone you can open up to. Trustworthy friends
are the best to rely on. By saying this I mean that you can tell a
trustworthy friend a lot of personal things you have never told
anyone before, and they will keep it a secret.

A good friend is someone that can entertain you and make you laugh.
Entertaining & Humorous friends are the best to call when you need to
have a little laugh. For example sometimes people can feel sad
 but you always seem to have a good friend that will make you
laugh and sometimes put on a show for when you are bored.

Furthermore, A good friend is someone who will Comfort you & Care for you.
Comforting & Caring friends are good to have around when you feel sick. For
example when you feel like you are having a bad day you have friends that
will care for you and make you feel better.

So there you have it, a couple of ideas showing you how to be a good friend.
You could also use these ideas every time you make a new friend.
I would say everyone has a good friend. If you think about it we have teachers
as well. They are always there for us when we need help.
Do you think you are a good friend?
We got the opportunity to mark our own work based on Statements, Explanations and also Examples. As you can see I got to highlight my writing test. The reason behind that is because we wanted to see what it would be like to mark our own work based on our opinions.

1 comment:

  1. hi ana well done you a such a good girl and i hope your teacher you are working hard. i like your work my name is lepisi
