Friday, 10 June 2016

40 Hour Famine

Image result for 40 hour famine sign 2016

This term I am taking part of the 40 Hour Famine but we are doing 20 hours because 40 hours is too long but anyways we are doing the 20 hour famine to collect money and send it to Syria so the kids can have a better education and to make their dreams come true. 

I am in team Green and that is Adam and Eve's team. There are more teams and they are Red which are Kim and Shannon and the Yellow team which is Marty and Steph and the other team is Blue which is  Grace Jayden and Reuben. 

The things you do in the 20 hour famine is play around, go without food and you sometimes perform for a dance battle. In the hall we did a dance battle for each team and the team who won was my team, we were so happy we jumped around screaming yeah.

Image result for 40 hour famine teams 2016Image result for 40 hour famine teams 2016Image result for 40 hour famine teams 2016Image result for 40 hour famine teams 2016
These are all the teams

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ana

    I hope you enjoyed taking part in this years 40 Hour Famine. Well done to the Green team for winning the dance competition.
