Friday 10 March 2017

How you can save water.

Save The Water!!

We need to save the water and we don't have much time because there are a lot of people littering and chucking their food scraps into the ocean.
We don't have much time before the oceans and seas are polluted.
To save some water you need to fix any broken tap in the house because broken taps can waste a lot of water everyday unless you fix it!


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  3. Hi Ana,
    I like how you wrote about saving the water before the oceans are polluted. I can connect with how you said to fix any broken tap in the house because in my house in the kitchen we used to have a leaking tap which leaked lots of water but now is fixed. I think it would be better if you described your paragraph more with adjectives. Otherwise keep writing about making the environment a better place, Mikaela.
