Tuesday 3 July 2018

Recount On Camp

On the 23rd of May we had our Year 8 Leadership Camp.
For our camp we went down to Kauaeranga. It took us a long time to get there.
Most of our team were sleeping and some of us were just looking at how
beautiful the place was. We got to see a lot of animals and we saw a lot of
farms. As soon as we got there we were shocked on how small it was, some
of us were expecting it to be bigger but it was smaller than we thought.

We hopped out of the bus then we had to go inside the kitchen.
We all had our own table that had our team names on it I thought it was quite
cool and creative. We had to sing one waiata. Then they had the the owners
of the camp come and also the staff. They all introduced themselves. Most of
them were quite humorous when they were introducing themselves. We then
had to have morning tea but it was from our own lunch.

We then got the time to go and check out our cabins. I was so excited to see it.
All of us were shocked to see how much room we had but anyways we
managed to make space for our bags.

Leaving Camp was going to be hard because I had a lot of fun memories
with my friends and also playing the activities. My overall thoughts on camp
is that it made me feel like a leader and that it made me step out of my
comfort zone.

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